The reasons that democracy is so dependent are obvious. Democracy is based on people being entitled to their own opinion, and the ability to voice that opinion. How could someone actually have an opinion that counts if they are being watched by cameras and having their phone calls listened in on? This loss of privacy can cause people to change their opinions based on what they think would please the government. Our society has become much too centered around the fear of pissing off the government, while it should easily be the other way around. A democracy should be able to please its people, not watch them, not analyze them. It is impossible for a citizen to voice their opinion if they are living in the fear of what the government may think of that opinion. I think that this new technology has cause too many people to "change" their opinions in order to please others. It is absolutely ridiculous that we have thrown our individuality away because a few cameras and some satellites.
One scene that illustrated this is the scene in which Cal interviews Dominic in order to get more information on Sonya's murder. Although it was with good intentions, it was somewhat immoral. He completely exploited and threatened this man into giving information to him about PointCorps. He also films this interview. I noticed that a lot of the scene was done from the implanted camera's point of view. I think that this is an important detail because it seems as if Dominic is just an object that Cal is using and getting information out of. The camera seems to look down upon them which, in my opinion, seems very creepy.
Your first sentence needs to say, "the reason democracy is so dependent on privacy..." I am not sure I know what you mean about pissing off the government. Clarify that.