Large corporations have the ability to undermine democracy as a whole because of their ability to sway the opinions of large groups of people for personal gain. Corporations are given the ability to act as "individuals," when clearly there are a lot of people behind any given company. With these large numbers, and large amounts of money, corporations can basically control all major political decisions made in this country that reflect their own self interest.
The scene in State of Play that best illustrates this idea of corporate control over society is the hotel scene in which Cal interrogates Dominick. We learn from this conversation that Point Corps frequently hires people to spy on and kill off people who are unfavorable to them. By doing so, democracy is destroyed because both sides are not equally represented.
The dark, low key lighting used throughout this hotel scene creates a feeling of evil, representing the evil sentiments of corporations. The intimate camera proxemics and closed form used cause the audience to look deep into Dominick's character personality, revealing the corporate scumbag that he really is.
You need to see Inside Job. It is a new documentary about banks, insurance companies, etc. It reveals how these corporations control the government. It is fascinating.