Friday, November 12, 2010

Andersson United States of Corporations

Today, Corporations have the ability to undermine a democracy and circumnavigate the laws most people assume to exist in America. Money is power. This fact is true all over the world but is especially true in the United States. Corporations no longer have limits on how much money they can give to a political figure. Obviously, the more money a politician has, the more powerful they can be. By funding politicians, corporations can influence government decisions that help in making corporations in making even more money. This circle of making money is what corporations thrive off of. The purpose of a corporation is to constantly increase the money being made at whatever cost, even if that hurts a nation of innocent citizens. In State of Play, this corporate arrogance is most easily seen when Cal talks to George Fergus. Fergus believes that Cal will never be able to take Point Core down because it is so powerful. This arrogance is quite realistic and shows how companies like Lockhead Martin and Halliburton work today.

1 comment:

  1. After the depression, certain regulations were put in place to control the way banks did business. When those regulations began to be undermined by Reagan and later Presidents, protections for mortgages, loans, and savings disappeared into the pockets of those corporations; in turn, those corporations now tell the government what to do.
