Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bone Traffic

The social and political levels are too rampant to control, and they are always lost. The war on drugs is only slightly winnable on a personal level. The social impact of drugs permeates the media and pop culture to the point that it is ingrained into our society. Almost every popular movie involving teenagers displays them smoking pot and drinking alcohol. This movie shows the teenagers of wealthy suburbs going far beyond the normal ‘its fun to do drugs’ attitude that most movies like Superbad, Dazed and Confused, and Pineapple Express. The wealthy teenager is the only one who is reached on a personal level. She is used to show the dark and discussing side of chemical dependences that our media likes to make ‘cool’. She is saved from the world of drugs and prostitution with a wealthy persistent father and drug rehab. This scene shows her father coming into the sleazy room to find and comfort his naked drugged daughter on the bed. She wins the war on drugs because of the people around her and her privileged life. The war on drugs is lost politically because of how the government cannot control the different cartels in Mexico that do business with America. The cartel in Mexico holds all the power, even over the Mexican government. Del Toro’s character is a police officer and genuine good character who wants to help the people of Mexico not live in fear of drug lords. He gets roped into the generals path, and this gets his partner killed. In the scene the two men dig their own graves and only the partner is shot. The political and social wars are lost because of the complex layers of the drug trade. People become involved with drugs because of social or political reasons. America fights a losing battle on the war on drugs.

1 comment:

  1. Check to make sure that your pictures are not broken. If the picture you post is broken, you must edit your blog to fix it. Did you know that a heroin addict will slip back into using at least five times before he is clean for any extended period of time. Also, it is the addict who has been clean for a year or so who most often is the victim of overdosing if he returns to using.
