Friday, November 19, 2010

Innella Traffic

The war on drugs is one that will not end and is likely a losing battle. Drugs have been a huge market for profit for many years and that is not going to change any time soon. It is a market in which one can be their own boss and no tax is taken away from their profit. The biggest appeal of this market is the fact that there is never a loss of demand for drugs. There are always junkies and users that are willing to do almost anything for their fix. As awful as that is, it is true. Yes laws are getting stricter and stricter on drug users and suppliers, but the suppliers are getting smarter. They are finding new ways in which to hide and smuggle the drugs into the country. One scene where this is shown is when Helena Ayala goes to one of the major drug dealers in Mexico. She approaches him because her husband had formerly worked for him. She says that before her husband was incarcerated he was working on a project called "the project for the kids" in which cocaine is high pressure molded into a doll. When the doll is put in water, it dissolves into pure cocaine. The cocaine is odorless so it cannot be smelled by patrol dogs, making it basically impossible for the smuggler to be caught. This just shows how smart the dealers are getting. It is getting to a point where it is uncontrollable by law.

1 comment:

  1. It would be helpful if you saw the war on drugs in an historical context. What about prohibition?
