Tuesday, November 23, 2010

McLemore American History X

White supremacy is a belief that is very attractive to many lower class whites who have to deal with integration in their neighborhoods. This is an unfortunate truth. The movie American History X shows many of these young white troubled Americans an easier way out. It introduces the idea that they should create their own gang, that they are superior to other races, and that violence is necessary for them to be safe. Derek even says that they created their white supremacist gang because the blacks had their own gangs. One scene in particular would be rather appealing to poor white Americans. When Derek and his family have dinner with Murray it is scary how much power he has in that scene. He is allowed to speak openly and freely and completely dominate that scene. Derek is the center of the scene. Anytime anyone else wants to talk Derek cuts them off and once again becomes the center of attention. He even gets violent with his sister when she opposes him. This touches on what was said in the reading about American History X. This is one of the times in the movie that a hate crime is not an extreme act of violence. Derek is simply allowed to put his ideals out there in an aggressive fashion. Now his anger eventually does lead violence, but before that he was basically given a podium to throw out ideas to millions of Americans.

1 comment:

  1. Does class have anything to do with the incentive for young people to join gangs?
