Saturday, November 20, 2010

Brennan Traffic

The "war on drugs" is not winnable on any of these three levels (social, political, and individual) because there is absolutely no way to contain this epidemic. In my opinion, the concept of the "war on drugs" is not a real one. The term war involves two sides fighting for something; it is a one way street.

If I had to choose one of these levels, in which the war on drugs is winnable, I would have to say it is on the individual level. It is possible for an individual to get help when needed, but if no one is there to support them (like Caroline's father Robert), it is not possible for the individual to achieve her goal of quitting drugs. On the social levels, drugs have become an epidemic. People make a living by selling and distributing drugs (like Carlos Ayala), and sometimes their close friends and love ones have aboslutely no idea. Money is so valuable in today's society, that it is impossible for us to win the "war on drugs" on the social level. On the political level, it is too difficult to even imagine. The border is not even close to being up to par, and it is impossible to patrol all areas of the US Mexian border at once. Yes, presidents and congressmen may strive to build a better border, but druglords and dealers alike will find a way to sell their drugs and obtain their reward.

In the film Traffic, the scene that best represents my opinion is the scene where Robert Wakefield is at the party with the congressmen and senators. He discusses the topic of the war on drugs with different individuals, and almost, if not all of them, state the same thing: It is not possible to win this war on drugs, but it is possible to alieviate it, and maybe lessen the intake of drugs in schools. The only way to "win" this war is to "win" it in America. There is no way the American politicians and leaders can even put a dent in the masses of drugs in Mexico. It is a hopeless battle, which will never end.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy that you indicated that individuals, with help, can overcome addiction.
