Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Peterson State of Play

Corporations are more than capable of undermining a democracy. They have so much control over the public and their actions. They also have their say so in democracy. The most ironic thing about corporations being able to undermine a democracy is that the government is basically the reason for the all the power that the corporation has. The reason a corporation has so much power is because they help the government. They help fund their campaigns with all of the money that they possess. Then if the politician that they are backing gets elected they have to repay the corporation for helping them out. This is when they are granted with their power. The corporations that have a lot of backing from the government then begin attempting to create monopolies. Once they have enough control, they begin really influencing the people. Like in the movie, PointeCorps uses their power to threaten others. If someone was doing something that they did not like or something that went against them they would hire someone to track them down and basically act as surveillance on the "enemy" and then they would eventually kill them. This is a perfect example as to how corporations have so much power over the public and how they are able to undermine democracy. This also shows that with too much power comes trouble. Corporations become big headed and believe they can do whatever they want. Also, it is all about the money, and if you get in their way they will try to find a way to take you down.

1 comment:

  1. Corporations also own many politicians. In order to run for office, a person needs to be a millionaire. Corporations provide the funds and then own the people they put in office.
