I think that the war on drugs in unwinable simply because of the intelligence of the drug using population. As shown in the film, dealers are coming up with more and more ways of shipping drugs into or out of the country to keep them untraceable. That scene shows a lot about the intelligence of drug dealers, because the dolls are almost completely untraceable to cocaine, yet still they move the product across lines.
On an individual level, scoring drugs is way too easy because of how unenforced the "War on drugs" is on that low of a level. all of the money on the war on drugs is going to stopping it higher up on the chain, like large amounts coming across the boarder, but on the street level, drugs are still highly attainable. socially, there is a draw to drugs. there are people who are desirable as friends, and there are desperate people willing to do anything to gain acceptance that they will turn to drugs, and be accepted because of it. we see the social side of drugs in the film when caroline's friend overdoses. they are in a social setting, conversing and having a good time, free basing cocaine and snorting heroin! it because of all these reasons that i feel the war on drugs is unwinable.
The opportunity of money for people who have no other means of earning a living wage is also a real reason why the war is not winnable. Until governments find a way to end poverty, dealing drugs will be a means of creating income.