Friday, November 12, 2010

Lucio State of Play

Under the United States constitution we are supposed to have the right of privacy, but things seemed to have changed drastically. The onset of new technologies has a lot to do with this change, but there also seems to be a change in people mindset and attitudes about privacy. People have become very nosy. They get some sort of pleasure in knowing every last detail of someone’s life. All of the media, especially paparazzi and tabloids, profit enormously off of this invasion of privacy. The movie State of Play, speaks directly to this idea and the idea of a company and individuals using stolen information to give themselves an unfair advantage. It seems that everyone in the movie is guilty of some form of invasion of privacy, and this ultimately creates chaos for everyone involved. In a perfect democracy everyone has equal chance and opportunity to succeed, but pointcore was trying to gain an unfair advantage by invading the privacy of others for its own corrupt gain of power over the government. Collins is also guilty of invasion of privacy, as he hires someone to follow Sonia who ends up killing her. All that is wrong in the movie is a result of invasion of privacy.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of the loss of privacy is somewhat simplistic. Please spend a bit more time thinking about the complexity of the issues in the film.
