Thursday, October 21, 2010

Andersson Good Night Red Scare

The red-scare of the 1950s, in which Good Night and Good Luck is set, is not all too different from the political situation of 2005. To me, both periods in American history are scarred with government-induced fear. In both cases the American government fabricated a false enemy that did not actually exist in order to manipulate American citizens. The title of “communist” was one of the worst slanders a person could get, when in reality most citizens in America had no idea what Communism was. Joseph Stalin was portrayed as a tyrannical leader who would slaughter anyone in his path to conquer the world. While Joseph Stalin was responsible for many horrific acts of mass murder, most Americans had no idea that their own government had supported Stalin at one time. A similar situation occurred in 2005. Americans were told to fear and loath Saddam Hussein, a leader that had long been supported by the American government. Neither dictator was a huge threat to American well-being, but both went against what the American government wanted. Americans today need to understand that their government, time and time again, has intentionally sparked fear within the country for the sole reason of controlling its people.

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