Friday, October 1, 2010

Turner Inglouious Basterds

The major theme of Inglorious Basterds is revenge. Shoshanna’s family is massacred at the beginning of the movie and she takes revenge by burning down her Nazi filled theater. Lt. Aldo Raine and the Jewish soldiers also take revenge on the Nazi’s by killing and scalping every Nazi that crosses their path. The movie’s plot and all the action lead to the final perfect revenge where the Hitler is killed and the theater burns. The movie provides Jews with the revenge they never had.

In this picture Shoshanna is preparing for her revenge. She is putting on her blush like war paint and she looks focused and determined. She is dominant in this scene. The light is hitting her face which makes her the focus. She is wearing red which is a bold bright color and conveys anger and courage. It is a tight frame. Shoshanna is close up and the shot is mostly of her face. The character placement is important in this shot. Shoshanna is close up in the foreground and the Nazi flag is blurred in the background. It symbolizes who she is up against and from this shot you see she overpowers it and will succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure your picture posts. Your image is broken. You need to make sure your viewers can see it. There is only one character, she is in personal camera proxemics. You need to distinguish between placement and proxemics.
