Sunday, October 10, 2010


Inglorious basterds depicted the war in a sense of satisfaction to all Jews. This is shown as the victory the Jews always wanted or how it should've taken place, but instead it was the complete opposite in reality. This movie was obnoxious and had a spin with a true motive, and that motive was to ensure people that after years of human discrimination people still don't care. THE AMERICANS are the main protagonist in this slick comedy, Nazi slaying, action packed film. In a way this movie actually gives the jews something reminisce about it almost seems they were given a Hollywood revenge pass for this movie. A damn good movie I would say, I would defintley choose to see war movies in this manor than in the serious way beacuse to me war is pointless and highly unnecessary, but when needed it's mandatory.

1 comment:

  1. KO, I know that you are unique, but you also need to understand that not everyone would know who wrote this. You must put your las name, Brooks, in the title of the blog, and you must put your full name in the label at the bottom. The first is necessary, so I can see who has turned in a blog; the second is necessary so that Brian can count your blot. You did not really answer the blog question. You need to proof read your blog for grammar and spelling.
