Thursday, September 9, 2010

McGowan W.

When I first read what we were assigned to blog about, there were so many scenes that came to mind for me. However, the scene that stood out the most to me while we were watching W was the scene in which the president is discussing the possibility of nuclear weapons with vice president Cheney. During this scene, Cheney asks Bush if he would continue to eat his sandwich if there was a 1% chance that the lettuce was poisoned. He is referring to the possibility of Iran containing nuclear weapons. This upsets Bush, as he is planning on invading Iraq. It bothers him so much that he even removes the lettuce from his sandwich as if it were actually poisoned.
This was probably an unlikely scene for me to choose, as it doesn't directly involve his father, but I think it fits for me. I also think that it indirectly involves his father. If Bush decides to invade Iraq, and the 1% chance becomes a reality, he will have failed as a president and as a son. I think it is completely understandable for Bush to be paranoid and cautious when it comes to decision making as a president. The way the camera zooms in and focuses on his hand as he removes the lettuce really made me think about that. If the unexpected consequence were to happen, Bush would be destined to failure and that would drive him crazy. It would also cause disapproval from his father and that is the opposite of what he wants.
I also think that this scene shows Bush's arrogance. At the end of the scene, Bush accuses Cheney of being too ornery and, in a sense, asks him to back down. He tells him that he is the president and the ultimate decision maker in the end. I think this arrogance that Bush puts forth is a bit of a front. I think that Bush's ego is only a product of his self consciousness and uncertainty of himself. He knows that if he makes one bad move, he could ruin things for himself.

1 comment:

  1. You have interpreted the scene and discussed W's relationship with Cheney and being somewhat like the relationship W has with his father, but you do no mise en scene analysis. Review the reading, and look at lighting, camera proxemics, etc.
