Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bellelo "Good",r:5,s:95&tx=75&ty=72The film “Good” is title this way because it shows us the irony of what is "good" and what a “good” person truly is. This film takes place during the beginning of the Nazi era when the holocaust was just beginning. Many people during this era, accepted this horrible act and believed that they were doing something that was “good”. In the film, John Halder struggles with many moral internal questions. He believed that the Nazi Socialist Party in Germany was wrong, and the social and career pressures they imposed were against his beliefs. The movie is titled “Good” because that is what the whole movie is about (being able to recognize what is good and bad). The picture can relate back to the title in many ways. In this scene, John Halder's morality comes into question. He is attending a Nazi party that he knows is against his morals. Also, he is at an event with a woman who is not his wife. This picture relates the main theme of the movie “Good.” Halder, who was once a “good” loyal man with the correct morals, is now associating himself with the Nazi party and cheating on his wife. I believe this movie was not distributed in the United States, because Americans look too hard at what the word “good” truly means and question themselves to much. This movie shows how pressure from other individuals can make someone with the right intentions to choose the wrong path without even knowing it. Someone can go from good too bad without even realizing it. In the U.S people live a lot different from other people in the world. We have all different types of groups and fades, and it is very easy to loose sight of what is truly “good”.

1 comment:

  1. See Brian Sullivan, you are not posting pictures correctly. Check your blog to make sure everything is working correctly. If it isn't, you need to edit it. Your blog is too general, and you do not do a mise en scene analysis, you just say that the picture shows that he is no longer Good.
