Tuesday, December 7, 2010

del Valle, Easy Rider

In Easy Rider, I think the primary political message is that America is afraid of people or things that are different, and that they do not accept “aliens”. In this scene from the movie, Jack Nicholson explains that aliens don’t come to America because they wouldn’t be accepted, but only because America sees people who feel free to be themselves as threats to the country. More importantly, this movie says that America isn’t truly “free”, because it doesn’t accept those who are different and using their “freedom” to be themselves and express themselves. In this scene, we are not in an intimate place, but we are personal, because we are learning about the character’s life and opinions, but we aren’t actually part of it. The two characters are also in personal not intimate in relation to each other, because they are close friends, and are learning a lot about each other, but they are not in any way intimate with each other.

1 comment:

  1. okay, but you might look at the scene with George more closely.
